RMWCA Members, don't forget about the upcoming deadline for applications for research or travel grants or seed money from Rocky Mountain Writing Centers Association (RMWCA).
A key goal of RMWCA is "to facilitate community and professional development among RMWCA members," and one of the ways we do that is by offering the twice-yearly opportunity for members to apply for research or travel grants. Grant amounts depend on out total available funding during each grant cycle but generally range from $200 to $400.
Travel grants may be used to offset costs for attending writing center conferences; we ask you to provide a travel budget for a specific conference and to describe your purpose and role in attending that conference.
Research grants may be used to offset costs for a specific writing center-related research project you are undertaking; the application form is the same as for travel grants and similarly asks you to provide a budget for your research, describe the project, and explain how potential funding will support your work.
All members of RMWCA are eligible to apply for the grants. The selection committee will consist of the RMWCA Executive Board, and there are two deadlines for the grants: January 15 and September 1 of each year. Applications will be evaluated and funds will be dispersed based on the following criteria:
- RMWCA membership
- Financial need
- Representation of an underrepresented demographic
- Not having received funding within the previous year
- Quality of application
- Benefit for general membership (outcomes, inclusion, etc.)
To apply for the grants or seed money go to https://rmwca.wildapricot.org/Travel-&-Research-Grants. You will need to log in to your RMWCA account to access the page.
The next deadline is January 15, 2025.
If you have any questions, please write to us a tutorcon.rmwca@gmail.com.