Empowering Tutors for the Future: Navigating AI to Elevate Student Writing Maria Partida, Laredo College LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES
Pre-meeting steps & MATERIALS NEEDEDPre-Meeting StepsBefore diving into the lesson, it’s essential to establish a foundational understanding of generative AI (GAI) platforms for tutors who may be unfamiliar with these tools. Prior to the introduction section of the lesson plan, the facilitator should have tutors explore how these tools function, their potential benefits, and limitations, ensuring they feel confident engaging with GAI in a tutoring context. Materials
INSTRUCTIONAL PLANThis GAI lesson plan has been administered at one college writing center, where participants were both undergraduate and graduate peer writing tutors. However, this lesson plan can be adapted for a variety of formats and audiences. During our training, writing tutors engaged in face-to-face discussions, by asking clarifying questions about GAI integration into tutoring sessions and sharing what they had learned through the case-study analysis and role-playing tasks. IntroductionThe facilitator will initiate the lesson plan through a YouTube video, AI in Education: How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Learning in 2024, that highlights the growing impact of GAI in various fields, including writing. Furthermore, the facilitator will explain that GAI tools are becoming more prevalent in academic and professional settings, helping users with tasks such as grammar checking, style improvement, brainstorming, and drafting. Moving forward, the facilitator will emphasize that understanding these tools is crucial for writing tutors to guide students effectively, helping them leverage GAI without compromising their learning experience. Then, the facilitator will ask participants if they have ever used GAI writing tools such as Grammarly, ChatGPT, or Quillbot. This is a moment in which participants can be invited to briefly share their experiences, focusing on what they found helpful or challenging. This will help set the stage for a deeper discussion on how these tools can assist or hinder the writing process in tutoring sessions.
Body of LessonOnce the introduction is completed, the facilitator will ask writing tutors to collaboratively explore and address challenges related to the use of GAI tools in writing tutoring sessions, developing strategies to integrate GAI effectively while maintaining focus on the student’s learning. For this purpose, tutors will actively analyze two case scenarios on GAI integration into writing tutoring. Guided Instructions
ConclusionAfter pairs discuss their scenarios, the facilitator will bring all participants together to share their insights per case scenario. This is a great opportunity for the facilitator to encourage pairs to present their solutions and facilitate a discussion on the benefits and potential drawbacks of integrating GAI in the writing tutoring process. As facilitator, make sure to highlight effective strategies that emerged from the activity.ASSESSING FOR UNDERSTANDINGTo close the activity, the facilitator will evaluate writing tutors' understanding of GAI writing tools and their ability to integrate these tools effectively in tutoring sessions. Below is the assessment format composed of two parts, a short-answer and reflection aspect. Assessment
EXTENSIONS AND ADAPTATIONSAs part of the lesson plan, facilitators can integrate a variety of alternate activities. For this lesson plan in particular, an alternate task to consider is a Role-Playing Debate. This activity allows participants to explore different perspectives on GAI tools integration in the writing process as well as tutoring sessions. Below are detailed instructions for implementing this extended activity: Role-Playing Debate on AI in WritingSetup
Reflection This alternate activity will open doors to encouraging critical thinking, communication, and active engagement with the topic, helping writing tutors navigate complex conversations about GAI in the writing centers’ tutoring procedures. RESOURCESAI For Education. (n.d). An essential guide to AI for educators. AI for Education. https://www.aiforeducation.io/ai-courseDeans, T., Praver, N., & Solod, A. (2023, August 1). AI in the writing center: Small steps and scenarios. Another Word. https://dept.writing.wisc.edu/blog/ai-wc/ REFERENCESAI For Education. (n.d). An essential guide to AI for educators. AI for Education. https://www.aiforeducation.io/ai-course Deans, T., Praver, N., & Solod, A. (2023, August 1). AI in the writing center: Small steps and scenarios. Another Word. https://dept.writing.wisc.edu/blog/ai-wc/ Potential. (2024, May 31). AI in Education: How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Learning in 2024 [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaA9Fw2sUB4 |