Making Revision Guides Using Communicative Language Teaching Percival Guevarra, University of California, Irvine LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVESTutor LOs:
INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN Introduction (10% of entire lesson time) Context Building
Body of Lesson (80% of entire lesson time) Note: This section will use S for students and T for tutors. For the purposes of this lesson plan, the facilitator will take the T role and the tutors will take the S role. This will also allow facilitators to easily print this section for tutors’ use. The student (S) and tutor (T) work together as necessary, i.e., when S can no longer define, identify, or revise the grammar concern. Otherwise, T mostly facilitates S’s process in creating the revision guide. Context Gathering (10% of lesson body time)
Awareness Building (15% of lesson body time)
Closing (10% of lesson body time)
ASSESSING FOR UNDERSTANDING The facilitator and tutors will know whether they have met the learning objectives based on the student’s understanding and notes in these sections:
Along these lines, focusing on the quantity or quality of definitions/examples/strategies within a section is a secondary measure to assess a tutor’s progress with their student. Finally, the sections will ideally be populated with the student’s language. If a tutor needs to fill a knowledge gap, they should still take the opportunity to help the student recast it into their own language. EXTENSIONS AND ADAPTATIONS
Brandl, K. (2008). Principles of communicative language teaching and task-based instruction. In Communicative language teaching in action: Putting principles to work (pp. 5-23). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Griffiths, C. M., Murdock-Perriera, L., & Eberhardt, J. L. (2023). "Can you tell me more about this?": Agentic written feedback, teacher expectations, and student learning. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 73, 102145. Nunan, D. (1991). Communicative tasks and the language curriculum. TESOL Quarterly, 25(2), 279-295. Porter, P., & VanDommelen, D. (2005). Read, write, edit: Grammar for college writers (p. 149). Heinle, Cengage Learning. |