Training for Clarity & Depth During Agenda Setting: Applications for Asynchronous, Synchronous Video, and In-Person Sessions Maureen McBride & Allie Hamilton, University of Nevada, Reno LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES
INSTRUCTIONAL PLANThis workshop includes two parts: Differentiation and Digging Deeper. In Part 1: Differentiation, consultants reflect on unique aspects of sessions and practice making intentional choices to develop agendas that are responsive to these unique characteristics. Part 2: Digging Deeper provides opportunities to help consultants go beyond a quick list of goals for a session and to develop a more collaborative understanding and approach to the session, which benefits the student and the consultant. When completed fully as written, this training takes approximately 4-5 hours. The training could take place at a single workshop or broken up across multiple staff meetings in sequence. After each part of the lesson, we include truncated versions that take 45-60 minutes to complete. Throughout the lesson overviews, we provide guidance on adapting the lesson to fit within different time and modality constraints. Part 1: Differentiation [2-2.5 hours]
Part 2: Digging Deeper [2-2.5 hours]
Provide feedback based on assessment to staff through trainings and in our other consultant-facing materials (i.e., newsletter, reflections). EXTENSIONS AND ADAPTATIONSThe complete lesson is divided into two parts (Differentiation and Digging Deeper) and subsections to allow for training facilitators to break up this lesson across multiple, shorter training sessions/meetings. Each part includes subsections for training facilitators to break up sections further when working within more limited time constraints. Training facilitators can choose to present the entire lesson (roughly 4-4.5 hours) as one large workshop, divide the lesson in half and present the two parts across two training sessions (2-2.5 hours each), or present a single subsection per training session to adapt it into a training sequence across many training sessions (roughly 45-75 minutes per session). Alternatively, training facilitators can follow the subsequent shortened versions of each part of the lesson for a condensed version of the training.
Digging Deeper (Part 2): Shortened Lesson [45-60 minutes]
RESOURCESJakonen, T., & Duran, D. (2024). Learner-centered EAP practices: Managing agenda in tutorial interaction. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 68, 101345, Newkirk, T. (1989). The first five minutes: Setting the agenda in a writing conference. Writing and response: Theory, practice, and research, 317-331. Bruce, S. (2009). Breaking ice and setting goals: Tips for getting started. In S. Bruce, & B. Rafoth (Eds.), ESL writers: A guide for writing center tutors (pp. 33–41). Boynton/Cook Publishers. Macauley, W. J. (2005). Setting the agenda for the next thirty minutes. in B. Rafoth (Ed.), A tutor’s guide: Helping writers one to one (pp. 1-8).Heinemann.REFERENCESScrocco, D. A. (2023). What’s your plan for the consultation? Examining alignment between tutorial plans and consultations among writing tutors using the Read/Plan-Ahead tutoring method. Praxis: A Writing Center Journal, 20(2). |